Today was Emely's sixteenth birthday. Emely and I cleaned the house and then she had some friends over for dinner. For desert we had these super cute delicious little cupcakes.
Today I went into Stockholm with my uncle for the day. We had a super yummy lunch and then I did a little bit of shopping (Emely's 16th tomorrow). It was super busy because of the sales after Christmas, still good though!
Then I went back to my uncles house for dinner.
Yesterday Emely and I went to the movie and saw 'Life of Pi' or as they call it in Sweden 'Berättelsen om Pi' in 3D. It was super good!
Today the family and I are going to one of there old friends houses for dinner.
Christmas time!

In Lund! Today I caught the train at 10.21 from Strängnäs to Flemingsberg and then from Flemingsberg till Lund. The train was late as usual, i ended up getting to Lund about 15.50. My auntie picked me up and then we went into town and saw all of the pretty Christmas lights. We then went back to her apartment where we had dinner with my cousins and her. Was super nice.
On the bus with Hanna after a three hour session at the gym. Legs are completely dead and I don't think I will be able to walk tomorrow. Weow! Aiming for that body I've always wanted.
Lund tomorrow, super keen!
Just over four months
Today we had an activities day at school. We finished at 2.30pm so then Ella, Hanna, Celine and I went into town. Celine got her hair but. It looks great! Then we all went to Ella's house and drank hot chocolate with a truckload of marshmallows. So yum! Now I am at home and watching Madagascar three. Love it! Tomorrow we just have another activities day and then on Wednesday we have sports day and then on Thursday I am going to Lund. So excited!
A wicked as mask I found at Ella's house. Decided I would be superwoman.

Dance tomorrow
Some pretty pictures I took in the past week. Tomorrow I will hopefully be uploading loads is pictures of the dance.
Tuesday, 11th of December


Saturday night

Last couple of days

Today I spent the day at my cousins house. We went to a little Christmas market and ate these little yellow buns that are a classic Sweden bun at Christmas time.
The other picture is of my dinner.