Fun in the snow
Yesterday Hanna did a little bit of photography of me going a little bit crazy in the snow. I would have blogged this yesterday night but Oscar fell down the stairs and ended up in the hospital with a dislocated shoulder. So here we go..
Ella <3
Tried to do one of those epic jumps.. scarf ends up in face and just kills it..
Tuesday, 27th of November
Christmas in less than a month! Just had to say that. Today had the worst weather ever! It was rainy all day.. it was windy and freezing. They are expecting wet snow for tomorrow. I'm going to turn into an icicle.
This is the dress that I am probably going to wear to the year nine dance. Sorry that the picture is such bad quality.
An ice cream van drove past our house yesterday so I decided to but a little..
Hello there
Hey there blog! Today at school I ice skated for the first time! Was super fun, and scary. Had a pretty good weekend and will be putting up some photos tomorrow night hopefully. Would have done it tonight but I had to study for my maths test tomorrow.

Today I went into Eskilstuna to buy a dress for the year nine dance but I didn't find any, so I ordered two dresses from I might put photos up of them tomorrow.
This is my hair after leaving them in braids last night.

Friday night
Finally the weekend! Going shopping tomorrow in Eskilstuna to buy a dress for the year nines dance in December. Might put up a picture I it tomorrow.
Braided my hair after I had a shower so it would be curly tomorrow. I am now watching the X Factor go Awa!

Aikido training again. Kick some but?

Crazy with Hanna
Celine's photography
Lazy Sunday
Today was a very lazy day. We slept in until nearly eleven! Then I went for a walk in the forest. For dinner we ate spaghetti and for desert we had fruit salad with cream and crushed mint on top.

New in
Today Oscar and I rode our bikes to ÖB and bought this.

Breaking Dawn part two
Last night Emely, Lotta and I went and saw Breaking Dawn part two at the movies. It was super good! I won't say what happens though just in case you haven't seen it.
On the bus all ready for ikeado. Just ate super yum Thai food that Magnus made, super full so hope ikeado goes well.

Three months!
Sorry for not blogging for a while I have had loads of homework to do!
I have been in Sweden for exactly three months today. So proud of myself. I miss my friends and family a lot but I have made some great friends here and Sweden and my host family is AMAZING!!
Hair and nails
Yesterday night Emely, Lotta, Magnus and I went to Emely's boyfriends house for dinner. We had chicken wrapped in bacon which was super good!
Emely and I bought our little nail collection along.
Emely's talent.
Molly (Emely's boyfriends sister) did our hair.
The town where our apartment was.
The Imperial War Museum.
Really good thai food.
The bridge from Harrry Potter.
Harry Potter stuff again.
Emely and I.
Big Ben.
Serious face
Something cool near the Buckingham Palace.
More gaurds.
Muffins in TopShop.
Big teddy bears from Harolds.
Christmas lights in London already.
London shopping
Primark for ten pounds.
Primark for two and a half pounds.
Primark for four pounds.
Primark nine pounds for the bag and five pounds for the purse.
The Body Shop, five pounds for the body butter and eight pounds for the pencil.
Primark, six pounds for the mascara and three pounds for the brushes.
Primark, six pounds.
Primark, three pounds for the white and four pounds for the black.
Market, came together for seven and a half pounds.
Accessories, the earings were three pound and the ring for four pounds.
I moustache you a question but I'll shave it for later ;)
Yesterday we caught the plane to London! When we got off the plane we went on the bus for two hours and then we caught the train to the apartment we are staying in.

Little trip
On Saturday I went up to my Uncles place.
This is his house in Summer.
This is his house now in Autumn.
While we were there we went to a little farm that had moose.
We also went to three glass shops. At one of them we got to watch them make glass things which was really cool.
Well I am off to London with the family tomorrow so I will be uploading photos then.