Thursday, 31st January
Went to the gym again today with Ebba, we did a cardio class (spinning) which was super fun. I am going to the gym again tomorrow and then to Emely's boyfriends (Love) house for dinner which should be good.
I can't believe it's the last day of January already, it's gone so quick! It's crazy.
Anyway this is my friend Hanna, she is practicing for the song we are writing in music. She's very good at guitar. She has also got a very pretty blog. Check it out.
Dagens outfit

New top
This is the new top that I bought yesterday. I love it. I bought it in Bik Bok.
This week at school we finish at 14.00 everyday because we have parent teacher meetings. So good!
Outfit today

Wednesday, 23rd January

Winter days
Laying in bed watching Gossip Girl, candles lit, tea, cosy, cosy.
Sorest legs ever after going to the gym again today with Hanna and Ella. I ran on the treadmill, went on the rowing machine, cross-trained and bike. Bit looking forward to tomorrow, I will be walking like a penguin. Pretty much me in their climate too, it was -18 today! Hopefully it will be a little warmer tomorrow.
Got to school an hour early today with Ebba because of the stupid changes in the bus times. But we were good and studied some maths, after taking pictures..

New design
I know this is a bit late but this is my new design. Last weekend when I was at Hanna's house she fixed the design or me. I think it looks good, do you?
Today Hanna and I went to the gym. I went on the cross-trainer, rowing machine, treadmill and then I did a Zumba session which was hard but fun.
Monday tomorrow=school.
Love all of these photos! Little bit of inspiration for what I want.
Today I didn't really do much, just slept in, walked the dogs and watched One Tree Hill.
Tomorrow I'm planning I'm going to the gym and do a Zumba class with Hanna. I did Zumba on Thursday night after school which was great.
Getting fit
Today I went to the gym again. I did a Zumba session, a bit of running and stretching. Saw my cousin Karin there and her friends and we did the Zumba together which was fun but a little hard since it was the first time.
Training for that summer body already hah. Like they say 'No pain, No gain'. Planning on going to the gym again tomorrow. Hopefully Hanna and Ella get there gym cards soon so I don't have to be a loner.
Movie night
Yesterday after school Josefine, Hanna, Line, Celine and I all went to Ella's house and had a movie night. We watched 'Pearl Harbor', it was super good but so sad. Everyone was crying.
Today I went to the gym and did an hour session called 'Step up'. Was very good but I'm pretty sure my legs will be dead tomorrow.
Five months <3
Five months, half way!
Already been in Sweden for five months! I have had a great time these last five months and have experienced/learnt tons about Sweden. The language is finally getting good. I can understand and speak most Swedish now. Writing and spelling still not so good but there's still this half if the year. I have made some amazing friends that have made it that much easier. Hopefully the second part of the trip will be just as good or better!

The cute little orange necklace is from my cousin. She made it herself, it's soo pretty!
At the moment I'm watching a bit of One Tree Hill, being cosy on a Friday night.
So far..

Friday, 4th January
Today I was at Hans' house again and will be spending the night here again.
Ella, Hanna, Josefine and I exchanged Christmas presents today. Super nice presents. I got this hair product from Hanna which smells super good and my hair is super soft!
Hans' house
Tonight I'm spending the night at my uncles house. I get this cute as room for the night.
Tomorrow I'm meeting up with my friends I exchange Christmas presents. I know it's a bit late but we didn't at the chance until now. Everyone was super busy before Christmas. Anyway keen as! Haven't seen any of my friends the whole holidays yet.
New Years Eve