'life's a climb but the view is great'

Today I started school at 11:45, my first class was sport. Today we were practising using compasses, we had to pick a spot and then try to make your way there, Ella and I made it quite easily which was good.
I have really sore legs and a really sore bum from my training yesterday, it hurts to sit down! I guess the saying ‘no pain, no gain’ has some truth. At the moment I’m watching ‘The Biggest Loser’ as I always do on Monday’s and Tuesday’s.
Friday to Sunday

Friday- After school I went to Ella’s house, we watched ‘The Hunger Games’ while we ate toasted sandwiches for dinner and then ate melon and grapes dipped in melted chocolate for desert, was so delicious! After dinner we went for a walk with her dog Alice around the block, the weather was perfect.
Saturday- I just relaxed around home for most of the day and then I met up with Hanna and we ate sushi for dinner in town, as you all know I love sushi. After Hanna and I had sushi we came back to my place and watched a movie called ‘Pitch Perfect’, is a very new movie and I really love it, makes you just want to get up and sing and dance! Oh and if you have seen it you would have fallen in love with the character ‘fat Amy’, her character is hilarious! Then after the movie Hanna had to catch the bus home because she had golf today early in the morning.
Today I have just been doing some chores, cleaned my room, did the laundry, and stuff like that, that needs to get done on the weekend. After I was finished with my chores I went to the gym for a session of ‘Body Pump’ with Karin, as usual my body is a little dead. I made tacos for dinner which were yummy and then I have just been relaxing. I don’t start school tomorrow until 11:45 because my class has national tests again. Good for me though I guess, sleep in! I hope everyone has had a great weekend, xo
dagens outfit

Det har var dagens outfit, tröjan från Lindex, halsbandet från Lindex, och jeans från Carlings (Dr Denium)
Igår gick jag inte till skolan för att dem hade NP så behövde jag inte komma, jätte skönt. Jag gjorde typ ingenting. Idag var jag i skolan igen, efter skolan jag, Hanna, Josefine och Ella var hos Ella och åt glass och pluggade. Imorgon ska jag till Ella efter skolan och titta på film och äter godis, hoppas det blir jätte mysigt.
Mitt första inlägg på svenska gick okej, inte så många fel. Jag blev glad när nån rättade mig, jag vet nu var jag göra fel på så det skulle var jätte snällt om ni gjorde det igen.
Jag tänkte kanske börja skriva på svenska varje gång och sen skriva det på engelska under så dem som kan inte svenska kan läsa det. Var tycker ni om det? Tycker ni att min svenska är okej?
Yesterday I didn’t go to school because my class had national tests and I don’t need to do them so it was a day off for me, it was so relaxing! Today I went to school again, after school Hanna, Josefine and Ella went to Ella’s house and ate some ice-cream outside in the sun while we studied. I also got some freckles because it was so warm! Now it really is starting to feel like summer is on the way. Tomorrow after school I am going to Ella’s house, we will be hiring a good movie and eating candy and just relaxing after a long week of school.
I was just wondering what you guys thought of me writing in Swedish? Did you think it was cool? What did you think? I would love to know.
våren är här

Okej så min kompis Ella vill att jag ska skriva an inlägg på svenska, jag ska försöka att skriva rätt men jag är inte perfekt på svenska ens. Efter skolan idag jag och Ella tog lite bilder, det var jätte soligt och fint ute så det var därför. Du ser att allt snö äntligen har smältigt och blommona börja kommer växa igen. Jag älskar det har vädret!
I Hk idag vi lagade mat, min grupp (jag, Ella och Josefine) gjorde rakor grej på rostad bröd med citron, wokade grönsaker med kyckling i hemgjorda wraps, och vanilj muffins med hallon och grädde på, allt smakade så himla gott.
Om ni ser att jag har stavat nåt fel eller nånting kan ni snälla komentera det, jag vill bara blir bättre på svenska.

On Saturday Celine, Amina, Line, Josefine and I went into Eskilstuna to do some birthday shopping for Ella and Hanna. The weather was amazing, when we all sat down for afternoon tea we were regretting that we hadn’t worn shorts, can you believe it?!
As you can see all five of us decided to go for a chocolate muffin, they were super yummy!
party outfit

This was my party outfit that I wore when I went to Hanna’s to celebrate her 16th as well as Ella’s 16th birthday. We just had a girl’s night. I will upload some photos later on.
At the moment I’m home from school sick, ooch. All I have done today really is just relaxed in bed, the best feeling ever knowing you don’t need to get up. Although I will get on to some of my homework after this. I have to write a five minute speech in Swedish and present it in front of my group on Thursday and I have got quite a lot to go. So nervous! Time to get started I guess.
This was my party outfit that I wore when I went to Hanna’s to celebrate her 16th as well as Ella’s 16th birthday. We just had a girl’s night. I will upload some photos later on.
At the moment I’m home from school sick, ooch. All I have done today really is just relaxed in bed, the best feeling ever knowing you don’t need to get up. Although I will get on to some of my homework after this. I have to write a five minute speech in Swedish and present it in front of my group on Thursday and I have got quite a lot to go. So nervous! Time to get started I guess.

As you all know every morning for breakfast I make myself a raspberry smoothie. All I have in my smoothie is vanilla yogurt, raspberries and a banana. It is so good in the mornings when you are in a hurry to school because it only takes about 5 minutes to put together and drink, and is healthy, I love to sleep in but I cannot go to school without having eaten breakfast so it’s a win, win.
fika med Josefine

A very short day at school again today, I just had three classes. After school Josefine came over to my house and we made some pancakes for afternoon tea and then finished off our sports assignment.
For those of you who can't read swedish the heading said 'afternoon tea with Josefine'.

no pain, no gain

Hit the gym again today with Hanna. We did a twenty minute session on the cross-trainer with the setting rolling hills, and then as you can see in the pictures we did some weights as well (after taking all of our pictures).
Today I didn’t start school until twelve because all of the others had national tests and I don’t have to do them which led to a well appreciated sleep in, I will also be having a sleep in tomorrow morning because they have national tests again, lucky me!
At the moment I am watching ‘The Biggest Loser’, I don’t know why but I really enjoy watching it. The best thing about the show is when you get to see them all in the end after they have lost tons of weight, like I always say, inspirational.
lazy Sunday

Another lazy day for me, didn’t end up getting out of bed until about eleven then had a smoothie for breakfast as usual. After breakfast I decided to do some baking and made a ‘kladdkaka’ (I’m not sure what it’s called in English). Which was a bit of a challenge because we didn’t have any eggs left, I made it anyway but with a different recipe that didn’t need eggs, although it did not taste nearly as good as it normally does which was quite sad.
summer outfit

I know it’s not summer yet but I am so excited for it that I decided to give you a summer outfit that I found on ‘we heart it’.
The app blogg.se isn’t working at the moment so that is why I haven’t blogged for the last couple of days. I now have to open my laptop and blog instead of just doing it from my phone. I hope it starts working again, it is so much easier from my phone.
Anyway, I haven’t really done much so far on the weekend. After school on Friday I went to the gym for another Body Pump session, just as dead as always afterwards though. Ingrid and her friend Emma were also at the gym, when we were done we decided to get sushi for dinner which was delicious, I could easily live off sushi! Today I have just relaxed really and skyped the family. I can’t believe it’s only about three months until I will be going home, it has gone so fast!
things I love/like

So I decided to do a 'things I like/love' piece so you guys would get to know me better. So here goes..
I love...
sock buns, water fights in the summer, colours, fruit, light blue torn jeans, peplum tops, painting my nails, dressing up, studs, starbucks coffee, travelling and exploring the world, summer shoes, my friends, nutella, the spring, my bed, make-up, people who are unique and don’t care what anyone else thinks, food, the saying ‘Hakuna Matata’, big princess dresses, music, converse, gossip girl, sunglasses, girls nights.
These are just a few things I like; I could go on all night if I were to write down all the things I like.
What do you guys think of me doing a ‘things I don’t like’ post? Would you be interested?
My Tuesday

Today was the first day this year that I rode my bike to school. So nice to be able to ride my bike to school again, it’s so much faster! And now I don’t need to go sliding everywhere on the ice or get stuck in the snow. Ella didn’t have her bike today so I gave her a ride on my bike. It went alright but we did go a little bit off road a couple of times though.
After school Ella, Hanna and I went to Ella’s house for afternoon tea before our gym session. We had these delicious smoothies that you can see in the picture above. In the smoothie we had raspberries and vanilla yogurt, added the kiwi and raspberries on top to make it look a little better for the photo. Today at the gym Ella, Hanna and I all did a twenty minute session on the cross trainer (absolutely kills your legs) and then were in the ‘relax room’ for a bit and trained a bit more. Didn’t train so long today because we didn’t have time, Hanna had to catch the bus and Ella had to be home by 17.30. Although I do have very sore arms and legs from my Body Pump session yesterday, actually feels good to be a little sore because then you know you have trained hard.
At the moment I am watching ‘The Biggest Loser’ again, inspiration!
So I have been for my session of Body Pump today. My arms and legs are completely dead but it feels good to have trained again. I will feel it tomorrow though!
For dinner I had chicken, rise and salad which was delicious!
At the moment I'm watching 'The Biggest Loser' this show gives me inspiration to train hard, if they can do it I can.
Monday 8th of April

last day of holidays
So today I went into town with Josefine for morning tea. I had ice-cream which yummy, it's so good to be able I eat ice-cream again and not freezing.
After that I went to the gym for a session which was great.
After I went to the gym I finished off all of my holiday homework.
At the moment I'm watching a movie called 'Soul Surfers' enjoying y last night of holidays, most touching movie ever, you have to watch it!
Picture was taken in Lund.

Karin's seventeenth
This was my outfit I wore yesterday for Karin's birthday dinner. I got to meet all of her friends which was great, they are all super nice and chatty. Karin took some photos of the dinner and all of us on her camera so I will be uploading some more photos later on tonight.
Woke up this morning and realized that I only have today and tomorrow left of holidays! I ant believe how fast it has gone! One more week would be perfect.
bright pink

new in

