new design

Picture taken at my year 9 dinner which was also taken by Celine, thought that I needed a new header for the summer! What do you think of the new design? Better than my old one?
Sitting outside eating lunch and realizing that I haven't posted anything for ages.. again.. I was going to wait until I had access to a computer but it has been far too long. So here I am sitting in mums friends garden blogging from my phone.
If you follow me on Instagram you would have already seen this photo so I'm sorry it's just hard to upload lots of photos when I'm on my phone.
Okay so on Wednesday mums friends family and my family headed of to a theme park called 'Liseberg' was one of the best days I've had in a long time! Went on all of the scary rides, went in the highest freefall in Europe (147m) high I think it was.. Scary!!
I'm back! Sorry I haven't posted anything in the last couple of days I've just been so busy! I have been reunited with my family again! Feels so strange to have them around all of the time again but is also so good. On Monday we slept over at one of mums friends houses in Uppsala, yesterday we slept over at a beautiful little ocean town (see pictures down below). Today we will be going to a theme park with loads of scary rides which will be so fun!! We are going with another one of mums friends which we are also sleeping over at her house for two nights. I will keep you guys updated as much as possible!

perfect summer day
Another perfect day, Hanna slept over at my place and we didn't end up getting it of be until like 11.00. Then Josefine came over and we watched the rest of the movie 'Hairspray'. Ella, Josefine, Hanna and I then rode our bikes into town and had lunch at a restaurant called Thai Garden that had a great view of the harbor. After lunch we met up with Line and had a bit of a tanning session (I have actually gotten a little bit browner!) Then we met up with Martina, Filip and Ekblomb and went swimming! Fun but still quite cold.
Now I am at Hanna's house with the girls, we will be tenting for the night. I'm going to be so tired tomorrow!

Yesterday was my last day at school, ever in Sweden! It is actually so sad, I never thought that I would actually miss going to school. Well yesterday was a great day, after school a lot of us got together and went into town to buy ice- cream as we all got a voucher. Then we went to Lucas house and relaxed there for a while. Then at night quite a few from the class got together again and we ended up at my house watching the movie ‘ego’, one of my favourite Swedish movies. All in all was pretty much a perfect day, sad to say goodbye to so many amazing people but a great day. Going to miss everyone SOO much! Thanks for an AMAZING year!!!
Skolavslutning outfit

year 9 dinner

Today we had our year 9 dinner it was a great night. Everyone looked gorgeous in their summer dresses. It is finally starting to feel like it really is going to end soon. I am so excited to finish and go back to my life in Australia but also very sad because I have to leave so many amazing people over hear behind.
Well I am going to be up nice and early tomorrow (6.00am) because we will be paddling with school and we must be at school at 7.15am, everyone will be walking around like zombies tomorrow, usch.


Yesterday my class (9B) and I went on a trip for a paintball session which was so much fun! Then we all had pizza for lunch and then just sat around and relaxed for a while.
After our paintball day out the whole class then re-grouped at Amina’s house for a BBQ dinner and then a few stayed over and tented in her backyard for the night which turned out to be super cosy.