
Today I went into town and had lunch with my cousin, Karin. I had a really yummy toast with chicken and other stuff in it. We then went and got another key done to her house because I'm moving in with Karin which should be fun! Then we went to the gym and did a class of spinning which was great excercise. I will also be able to decorate the room I get at Karins which will be awesome, I love to re-decorate!

These pictures are from when Ingrid, Karin and I went out and had suchi for dinner, I could live off sushi.
Well today I haven't really done much at all except go for a walk into town. I was going to go for a much longer walk but it was a little bit too cold. I thought I was getting used to all of this cold weather but it still gets me. I have no idea really what I'm going to do for the rest of the week but I will hopefully think of something, it sucks that nearly all of my friends have left the country or are somewhere else in Sweden.
Anyway yesterday I saw the very last episode of Gossip Girl, I'm actually really sad that it's over, I hate it when series finish. I hope everyone else is having fun on there holidays, XOXO.

So I finally got Spotify yesterday, I love it! I have been listening to it pretty much all day. My favourite song would have to be Let Her Go by Passenger, brings tears to my eyes. Anyway if you're thinking about getting it you should, it's totally worth it.
The last couple of days..

Yesterday Karin, her mum and I went to Mariefred for afternoon-tea at a little cafe that sold these cute as chocolates. I had a respberry one and a nut one, they were so delicious! We then had a look around the little town which was pretty much deserted because everyones on holidays skiing.
Not yesterday but the day before Hans (my uncle) and his family and I went to a plane museum which was pretty cool I guess.
Today I'm not really going to do much except go to the gym with Karin and Ingrid, my cousins. Karin and I are planning to do Zumba and then Yoga, I have no idea what Yoga will be like but I will at least give it a go.
How old are you?
I just turned 15 on the !0th of February.
How long will you be staying in Sweden for?
I will be going back to Australia in June or July sometime, I'm not really sure yet.
Do you like Australia or Sweden more?
That's a hard question to answer but I would have to say Australia because it's my home.
Will you continue blogging when you go back to Australia?
When I come back to Australia I plan to keep blogging and that way all of my friends here in Sweden will be able to see what I get up to.
Do you enjoy the Swedish winters?
I think this years winter is very pretty with all of the snow, I hate all of the ice though because I fall over all of the time. It is also a little colder than what I'm used to but I think Ii'm getting used to it!
Where abouts in Australia do you live?
I live in the state Victoria which is located in the South-East part of Australia on a farm. We have 26 thoroughbreds (race horses), 2 dogs, 11 hens and loads of cattle.
How does it feel to live in Sweden? Do you like it?
Sweden is a very pretty counrtry and I do like it.
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I have 2 little brothers, Carl (13) and Ben (10).
These were all of the questions I have gotten so far but if you have any more fell free to ask!

Dagens outfit

Another one of my new tops from Cubas. I think it's super pretty. Finished early again so I went to Josefines house wth Hanna and Ella because we have to write and perform a song in music and we haven't even finished writing the song. It's getting there though.. Then Hanna, Ella and I went to the gym. I went on the cross trainer for ten minutes s a little warm up and then Hanna and I did a fifty-five minute session of spinning(bikes) which was fun and good excercise. Note to self next time though, do not forget your shoes when youwill be doing a fifty-five minute session on a bike.
Just talked to mum on the phone and realised that my two little brothers are starting school again today after their summer holidays, Carl is starting highschool, hah.
For any readers from Australia the header just said 'Todays outfit'.
Outfit today

Today it was freezing again, -20! So Josefine and I went outside to take photos.. After school Line, Josefine, Lucas and I went down the street to buy Line's dad a birthday present. Then I went to the gym, I did some running and the I did Zumba which was fun. I ended up going to the gym by myself because Hanna and Ella were sick, hopefully tomorrow they will be better.
Wednesday, 23rd January

Today it was super cold, -20! Then when we had a break Hanna and Celine decided they wanted to take some photos outside, I have never been so cold. My class has national tests soon so today they had a practice today. When I got home I had a hot chocolate to warm me up which was yummy. The other picture is what the class made in Home Economics for afternoon tea while we worked yesterday which was delicious.
Tomorrow I'm going to the gym again with Hanna and Ella and we are doing the Zumba class which should be fun.

Getting fit at the gym! Today was just another normal day at school. After school I made dinner with Lotta, we made fish soup and bread which was really good. Tomorrow Ella, Hanna and I are going to the gym again. We are going to be working on our muscles because we have a school project. We have to choose something we would like to work on and get better at. We have to write out a training timetable and then follow it for six weeks at least three days a week. Should be fun.


Yesterday I spent the night at Hannas house. At night we made dinner, Salmon and paste which was pretty tasty considering that I'm not a very good cook. We then had a bit of a chick flick marathon of two movies. One of the Bring It Ons and The Lizzies Miguire movie which In hadn't watched since I was about ten. It used to be like my favourite movie.. lets just say that people grow up. It was still pretty good thougyh hah.
In the moring well afternoon Hanna and I made a super delicious breakfast. Took us a good half an hour to make but was really tasty and healthy. Hanna then helped me to fix my design because I have noo idea how to do it. Took her a good two hours making it to perfection. Thank you!
So far..
Sorry for not blogging for ages, I was sick. Anyway..
I have almost been here for half the time. It's crazy!
These are just some of the great frineds I've made so far.

New Years Eve
We had a really good dinner and desert. For desert we had this huge bowl of ice-cream, merenge, banana and chocolate sauce. Yuum!
Then when midnight struck we set of loads of fireworks. I thought it was super cool because in Australia it is illegal to have your own fireworks.
New Years Eve outfit.

Snow Scooter <3

Christmas time!
This morning just before the family and I went into the hospital to give the kids in there Christmas presents. Made my day just to see there faces light up!



This <3

Photo player from mum witn tons of photos, was the best!

On Thursday I had the year nine dance. It was pretty fun!

Sneaky selfies in Ella's room.

Back of the dress.

Three more days of school left until I am catching the train to Lund to see the family. Super excited! Only down side is the five hour train trip.
Tuesday, 11th of December
Today we had dance practice at school from 12.30 until 3.15pm because on Thursday we have our year nine dance! After we had finished dance practice Hanna and I went to Lindex to but some skin coloured stockings for our outfits on Thursday. We then went to a little cafe called Princent or something like that.

Yesterday Ella, Celine, Josefine, Line and I went into Stockholm to do a little bit of Christmas shopping. We were supposed to catch the at 10.21am, then the train got cancelled, so a bus came instead but didn't get there until two hours later. The bus then took two and a half hours to get into Stockholm when the train only takes fifty minutes. Once we finally got there we did a little bit of shopping and then the train home also got cancelled so we had to catch a bus home again. It was a very eventful day but still good.
Ella and I super happy when the bus finally came .

Beautiful Christmas lights in Stockholm.

Yummy chai latte.

Saturday night
Today I had aikido grading. I moved up a level! It was super scary. After grading I went to a resturant in Eskilstuna for dinner. It was suuper yum.
Tomorrow is christmas shopping in Stockholm with the friends. So excited! Hoping that the train doesn't get cancelled though, because the last few days there has been lots of problems with the trains and buses because of how much snow there is. Fingers crossed.
Here is heaps of fresh vegestables, seafood, and meat. You got to choose the stuff you wanted to have and then give it to the chef and he would cook it for you. I thought it was super cool.

Sushi <3

For desert there was lots of different types of fruit and things. I chose peaches, fried banana with a syrup on top and ice-cream.

Last couple of days
Ella <3

One piece.

Me in the snow, -14 degrees celcius yesterday!


Christmas shopping on Sunday in Stockholm with the friends. Will be uploading photos!
Fun in the snow
Yesterday Hanna did a little bit of photography of me going a little bit crazy in the snow. I would have blogged this yesterday night but Oscar fell down the stairs and ended up in the hospital with a dislocated shoulder. So here we go..

Ella <3

Tried to do one of those epic jumps.. scarf ends up in face and just kills it..


Tuesday, 27th of November
Christmas in less than a month! Just had to say that. Today had the worst weather ever! It was rainy all day.. it was windy and freezing. They are expecting wet snow for tomorrow. I'm going to turn into an icicle.
This is the dress that I am probably going to wear to the year nine dance. Sorry that the picture is such bad quality.

An ice cream van drove past our house yesterday so I decided to but a little..