bright pink

Forgot to upload pictures of my new runners before. I bought these bad boys in Lund from 'din sko' for 299 crowns. I thought they were super pretty and you need a little bit of colour when you exercise, brightens your mood! Atleast it does for me.. They are also perfect for spring/summer because they are very lite and have like air vent things on the sides.
Also wondered what you guys thought of all of my new clothes/accesories? Did you like them?
new in

Bik Bok 49 crowns

Carlings 399 crowns

H&M 79 crowns

H&M 179 crowns

Bik Bok 79 crowns

New Yorker 99 crowns

New Yorker 39 crowns

Bik Bok 99 crowns

H&M 25 crowns
Here are the pictures as promised of all of the things I bought while away. Can't wait to start wearing everything. Today it's actuallty very warm outside, so glad that it is finally getting warmer! I haven't really done much today exept clean my room and get things organized. Tomorrow is Karins birthday so we are just getting a cake organized and little things like that. I hope everyone is having a great holiday, xo.

Just a couple of pictures I took while Karin and I were in Copenhagen. This is the street we walked down, it has tons of shops which means, yes, I did buy lots of things, I will be uploading photos of them all soon. I kind of forgot to take pictures of other things in Copenhagen and there really weren't many special things to take pictures of where we went. Anyway I hope these ones will do.

So I haven't blogged in over four days! Oh emm gee I'm so sorry, I have been so busy and was also sick most of the time in Lund so whenever I wasn't doing anything I would be sleeping. These are pictures of the room I was staying in, in Lund, it's my cousins room, she was in Africa on a holiday, so jealous! I thought her room was super pretty so I had to blog about it so you guys could see.
Today I haven't really done much, I did go in to town though for afternoon tea to meet up with Ella, Celine and Ellas cousin, Was very nice, I had carrot cake and strawberry juice, yum! For the rest of the day I will just be blogging some more (all the things I bought while away) and cleaning my room and just relaxing really. Holidays, I love you.
black/ white or colour

Todays outfit, top from London market, jeans from Dr Denium.
I wasn't really sure which effect I liked best so you guys get both. Which effect do you think is best?
What do you think about the outfit?
my weekend

The new watch that I bought a little while ago styled with a spiky bracelet from Lindex. (Don't mind my converse in the background. hah)

My yummy breakfast that I had this morning. Woke up at about ten and then just really relaxed for the rest of the day and did a little bit of homework. I did go to McDonalds for dinner as well which was very tasty, chicken nuggets for the win.
Yesterday I didn't really do much except go into town fro lunch with the Ek family, was very nice to catch up again,I hadn't seen them all in about a month or maybe more! H
Hope everyone else had a nice weekend, xo.
friday night

After school on Friday Josefine, Ella and I went to Ellas house to watch a movie and bake a little. We made this chocolate brownie sought of thing with a really delicious coconut topping on to that we had for dessert and for dinner we had toasts with salad. We watched a French movie which was really good, this guy couldn't feel from the neck down and couldn't move anything from the neck down so he had to have a person that cared for him all the time. There was a very funny black guy that cared for him, was very cute, can't remember what the movie was called though.
the big 50

Today Karins mum turned 50 so we had a nice dinner and dessert. I ended up buying her a very pretty tea cup from Josefines mums shop and then some organic chai tea to go with it and a cute heart shaped container for chocolates or something. It was very cold again today and started snowing again! I want all of the snow and ice to melt and for it to get warmer, am so ready for summer! Anyway up early again tomorrow so good night everyone, xo.
spa weekend

So here a just a few photos of my spa weekend, celebrated Karins mums 50th. Stayed in a really nice room and the spa/pool was amazing! A really relaxing weekend which was just what I needed. For dinner we had 7 courses which was a lot and a little bit crazy, the most I have ever eaten at one time was three courses! They were quite small though so I managed the 7. As you can see there is a picture of the menu, I'm not sure if you can read it because its quite small and in swedish but I have no idea what half of those ingrediants/foods are called in english, sorry! I have a super long sleep in tomorrow because my class had national tests and I don't have to do them so yeah. I hope everyone's having a great Monday!
my new room

Completely forgot to upload photos of my new room in my new house. Anyway here they are, my bed is huge and feels like you're sleeping on a cloud, I love it! My room is my haven, hah no but I really like it. At the moment I'm just watching 'Criminal Minds' quite creepy at times but still good.
hand made, by me

Pictures of the top I made in sewing at school. Can't wait until summer to wear it!
Just came back from the gym and had dinner which was fish. I have dance tomorrow for sport which should be fun. Then Hanna, Ella and I will be going to the gym after school.
details of todays outfit

top Vera moda, bra H&M, tube thing Vera moda
Just had afternoon tea, it was super cold again today and snowed a little bit more last night, just want all of the snow and ice to melt already, so ready for the summer! Planning on going to the gym a bit later with Karin get to use my new pants again, weow!
Played the piano at school today in music, we have groups of four and we have to choose a song to sing and play, my group is doing 'I'm yours' by Jazon Mraz, pretty good song actually and isn't too hard to play. I finally finished the top I'm making in sewing which actually looks pretty good, pictures will be uploaded later.
new in

Stadium, 299
So today I went to the gym and wore my new training pants I bought yesterday in Stockholm. I discovered today that there was a little pocket for your phone which has a little whole for your headphones which is super good because I always listen to music at the gym.
Just ordered a light pink 3 meter long iPhone charger, have been wanting one for so long, in a couple of days I will be able to charge my phone while laying in bed. Speaking of bed I'm super tired and have to get up early for school again tomorrow so good night, xo.
long weekend

On Saturday I spent most of the day baking. Karin went to a surprise birthday party so she was baking and I joined in. As you can see I made a carrot cake which was delicious! karin got the recipe from some famous swedish girls website.

On Sunday Hanna and I went to the gym and did a session of Zumba and then a session of Body Pump, we were both super tired after that. We ate lolllies, chocolate, and popcorn while watching american pie, was a very cosy night.

Today Hanna, Celine and I went to Stockholm for the day, (my birthday present from those two). The train got cancelled so we had to catch the bus instead which took about an hour longer. Once we were in Stockholm we had sushi for lunch which was super good, I love Sushi! Then we watched a movie 'Ego' it was a swedish movie, it was really good, I cried. We then did some shopping, I bought some new jeans, training pants and a top, upload pictures tomorrow maybe. Celines mum works in sStockholm so we took the same train as her and she bought us McDonalds for dinner. Best day in a long time, thanks girls! <3
curly hair <3

I woke up at seven when my alarm was set for nine this morning, the one day I get a sleep in my body wakes me up. So I decided to curl my hair, it was pretty much the first time I have curled my hair and it didn't look too bad so I was pleased. It took me about twenty-five minutes but I think if I have a little more practise it should only take about ten to fifteen minutes.
Hanna and I went to Ellas house after school and had a toastie with turkey, cheese, and tomato in which was yummy. We then went to the gym, I ran for about ten minutes and felt like I was going to spew which was really weird because I wasn't tired just felt sick, I didn't even eat dinner justa mango because I feel sick when I eat food, super weir, I really hope I am not getting sick. Anyway at the moment I'm just relaxing on my little couch, I hope every one had a nice day.
Tomorrows outfit

Just a look at what I will be wearing tomorrow. Tomorrow I will be starting school at 10.05 so I get a sleep in which is very nice. Just finished painting my nails aqua and red, looks pretty good. Since I have such a long time to get ready tomorrow I was thinking of curly my hair before school which will be interesting to see how long it actually takes. Off to the gym again after school with Hanna which should be good, I haven't been to the gym in for ages with her because she's been on holidays and been very busy. Well I'm off to read some of my book now, good night everyone, xo.

So as you can see I'm not wearing my winter jacket, I thought since it is finally spring I better ge rid of the winter jacket. It was a great day for it as well, plus three degrees. The only bad thing about it getting warmer is that the snow is melting and turning into ice which equals me landing on my butt every five minutes. I honestly don't get how people can actually walk without falling over or slipping in this kind of weather.
Today I have just had school, I was supposed to be going to Stockholm after school with Hanna and Celine but we couldn't because Celine is sick, hopefully soon though because I really need to buy some new gym clothes. Speaking of gym I was supposed to be going today after school with Hanna after the change of plans with Stockholm but didn't because I had a headache. So I have pretty much just been spending my Friday night watching 'Pretty Little Liars' instead. Off to bed soon though because I am super tired, at least I get to sleep in because it's the weekend tomorrow. I have no idea what I am going to do on the weekend, if you have any interesting or exiting things you can do around Strangnas could you please comment them below, would be greatly appreciated!
New In

So today was also a very nice day, sun was shining and it was actually a little warm, can't wait for summer! Today as you can see I bought a new watch which I think is super pretty. At the moment I'm watchiing some show on TV where two girls from America come to Sweden for a little bit which is fun to watch because they have pretty much the same reactions as I do at all the weird things here. Except they were not so excited about snow, I was, still am a bit.
Tomorrow Josefine, Hanna, Ella and I have to sing the song we wrote in Music so we were practising after school which was quite fun.
Sunny days

Strike a pose everyone.

Don't mind my face, I was just telling Ella that she shouldn't be so tall because she was making me look really small in the photo because she's so tall, gorgeous too though.

So it was a very nice day today, the sun was out and it was actually not freezing! Today was the first day back at school after the one week off we had which is called 'sportlov' in swedish which is 'sport holiday' so most people go skiing somewhere for the week. Ella the other blonde one in the photo went to France for the week to go skiing and Josefine the one with the brown hair went to Germany for the week to ski and she also tried out snowboarding which was very hard apparently. Not everyone goes skiing and not everyone goes out pf the country but a lot do, I think it is very cool. In Australia people hardly ever leave the country because it ta´kes so long and costs so much but in Sweden people go out of the country for holidays all the time it seems. Pretty cool.
New house

So yesterday I moved in with my cousin Karin which happens to also be next-door to my friend Josefine which is pretty cool. When I arrived I found a couple of little presents lying on my huge bed, the face kit and these socks. Alot of socks made by this brand have little quotes on them that remind you to be good to people and stuff like that which I think is very good and super cute. The whole quote on the blue pair of socks is ''Work hard and be nice to people'' and the whole quote on the purple pair of socks is ''Do it with passion or not at all''.
Today Karin and I cleaned out my room some more to make room for all of my stuff. I came to Sweden with just my huge purple bag but now I have that bag plus millions of little ones aswell, I have no idea how I'm going to make it back to Australia with all of my stuff I have picked up here in Sweden! Anyway after cleaning my room out a little we all went food shopping and then had lunch in Stallarholmen which was yummy. For the rest of the the day I didn't really do anything except pack in all of my clothes into the wardrobe until Karin and I made Hamburgers for dinner which tasted pretty good and now I'm just watching some Norwegien series on TV. Little bit hard to read the Swedish subtitles quick enoúgh while blogging in English. I'm so tired but before I go to bed I need to read some more 'Romeo and Juliet' by Shakespeare, homework I have to do for English in Australia.
Tomorrow is the last day of the holidays! I can't believe it has been a whole week already. I'm not really going to do anything tomorrow except finish unpacking and then maybe Josefine will come over for a little bit to see my new room and everything, she comes back from her little skiing trip in Germany tomorrow.
Have a great last day of your holidays everyone, xoxo.