Friday tomorrow
So it's Friday tomorrow, the week went so fast! We had swimming today which was fun. At the moment I'm watching 'Pretty Little Liars' which is good. After school I had some Ben and Jerry's ice-cream which was delicious.

In bed about to go to sleep, so tired! Could have slept all day I swear. Nothing new in school really except that today in music Josefine, Ella, Hanna and I presented the song we wrote in front of the class which was pretty fun and a little scary. Other groups also presented their songs which were good and some were also funny. We wrote out own songs so yeah. After school Hanna and I went to the gym, I haven't gotten there so much in the last few weeks because I have been busy bit I need to get back to going there every other day.
Tomorrow we have swimming at school so I have just finished packing all of my stuff, hopefully it goes well, goodnight everyone! xo

New In
So today was also a very nice day, sun was shining and it was actually a little warm, can't wait for summer! Today as you can see I bought a new watch which I think is super pretty. At the moment I'm watchiing some show on TV where two girls from America come to Sweden for a little bit which is fun to watch because they have pretty much the same reactions as I do at all the weird things here. Except they were not so excited about snow, I was, still am a bit.
Tomorrow Josefine, Hanna, Ella and I have to sing the song we wrote in Music so we were practising after school which was quite fun.
Sunny days
Strike a pose everyone.
Don't mind my face, I was just telling Ella that she shouldn't be so tall because she was making me look really small in the photo because she's so tall, gorgeous too though.
So it was a very nice day today, the sun was out and it was actually not freezing! Today was the first day back at school after the one week off we had which is called 'sportlov' in swedish which is 'sport holiday' so most people go skiing somewhere for the week. Ella the other blonde one in the photo went to France for the week to go skiing and Josefine the one with the brown hair went to Germany for the week to ski and she also tried out snowboarding which was very hard apparently. Not everyone goes skiing and not everyone goes out pf the country but a lot do, I think it is very cool. In Australia people hardly ever leave the country because it ta´kes so long and costs so much but in Sweden people go out of the country for holidays all the time it seems. Pretty cool.
New house

So yesterday I moved in with my cousin Karin which happens to also be next-door to my friend Josefine which is pretty cool. When I arrived I found a couple of little presents lying on my huge bed, the face kit and these socks. Alot of socks made by this brand have little quotes on them that remind you to be good to people and stuff like that which I think is very good and super cute. The whole quote on the blue pair of socks is ''Work hard and be nice to people'' and the whole quote on the purple pair of socks is ''Do it with passion or not at all''.
Today Karin and I cleaned out my room some more to make room for all of my stuff. I came to Sweden with just my huge purple bag but now I have that bag plus millions of little ones aswell, I have no idea how I'm going to make it back to Australia with all of my stuff I have picked up here in Sweden! Anyway after cleaning my room out a little we all went food shopping and then had lunch in Stallarholmen which was yummy. For the rest of the the day I didn't really do anything except pack in all of my clothes into the wardrobe until Karin and I made Hamburgers for dinner which tasted pretty good and now I'm just watching some Norwegien series on TV. Little bit hard to read the Swedish subtitles quick enoúgh while blogging in English. I'm so tired but before I go to bed I need to read some more 'Romeo and Juliet' by Shakespeare, homework I have to do for English in Australia.
Tomorrow is the last day of the holidays! I can't believe it has been a whole week already. I'm not really going to do anything tomorrow except finish unpacking and then maybe Josefine will come over for a little bit to see my new room and everything, she comes back from her little skiing trip in Germany tomorrow.
Have a great last day of your holidays everyone, xoxo.
Today I went into town and had lunch with my cousin, Karin. I had a really yummy toast with chicken and other stuff in it. We then went and got another key done to her house because I'm moving in with Karin which should be fun! Then we went to the gym and did a class of spinning which was great excercise. I will also be able to decorate the room I get at Karins which will be awesome, I love to re-decorate!
These pictures are from when Ingrid, Karin and I went out and had suchi for dinner, I could live off sushi.
Well today I haven't really done much at all except go for a walk into town. I was going to go for a much longer walk but it was a little bit too cold. I thought I was getting used to all of this cold weather but it still gets me. I have no idea really what I'm going to do for the rest of the week but I will hopefully think of something, it sucks that nearly all of my friends have left the country or are somewhere else in Sweden.
Anyway yesterday I saw the very last episode of Gossip Girl, I'm actually really sad that it's over, I hate it when series finish. I hope everyone else is having fun on there holidays, XOXO.
In bed all cosy re-reading some of the Solo magazines. I am also reading the one that just came out with Miranda Kerr on the front cover, she is stunning! She is also from Australia if you didn't know. Anyway I hope everyone's having a good holiday. ❤

So I finally got Spotify yesterday, I love it! I have been listening to it pretty much all day. My favourite song would have to be Let Her Go by Passenger, brings tears to my eyes. Anyway if you're thinking about getting it you should, it's totally worth it.
The last couple of days..
Yesterday Karin, her mum and I went to Mariefred for afternoon-tea at a little cafe that sold these cute as chocolates. I had a respberry one and a nut one, they were so delicious! We then had a look around the little town which was pretty much deserted because everyones on holidays skiing.
Not yesterday but the day before Hans (my uncle) and his family and I went to a plane museum which was pretty cool I guess.
Today I'm not really going to do much except go to the gym with Karin and Ingrid, my cousins. Karin and I are planning to do Zumba and then Yoga, I have no idea what Yoga will be like but I will at least give it a go.
Off I Go
About to catch the bus and go to my uncles house for the week, should be fun! Get to see the little cousins again and hopefully catch up with friends.
Have a good holidays everyone!

Finally Friday! So that means I have a one week holiday! It's supposed to be a week for everyone to go skiing or something like that because its the middle of winter so that means great weather for winter sports. I don't think I've got anything on really just spending the week at my uncles and catching up with the cousins which should be fun. At the moment I'm all snuggled up I'm bed watching the Vampire Diaries which I love and being a little naughty and eating cheese balls and dark chocolate, yum! I guess it should be alright though because after school Hanna and I went to the gym and did a Body Pump session which was fun but hard.

How old are you?
I just turned 15 on the !0th of February.
How long will you be staying in Sweden for?
I will be going back to Australia in June or July sometime, I'm not really sure yet.
Do you like Australia or Sweden more?
That's a hard question to answer but I would have to say Australia because it's my home.
Will you continue blogging when you go back to Australia?
When I come back to Australia I plan to keep blogging and that way all of my friends here in Sweden will be able to see what I get up to.
Do you enjoy the Swedish winters?
I think this years winter is very pretty with all of the snow, I hate all of the ice though because I fall over all of the time. It is also a little colder than what I'm used to but I think Ii'm getting used to it!
Where abouts in Australia do you live?
I live in the state Victoria which is located in the South-East part of Australia on a farm. We have 26 thoroughbreds (race horses), 2 dogs, 11 hens and loads of cattle.
How does it feel to live in Sweden? Do you like it?
Sweden is a very pretty counrtry and I do like it.
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I have 2 little brothers, Carl (13) and Ben (10).
These were all of the questions I have gotten so far but if you have any more fell free to ask!
So I decided to do a question and answer thing. If you have any questions you want to ask me just comment them below and I will answer them soon once I have gotten a few. So start asking!

The Perfect Nails
1. Even Out 2. Smooth 3. Shine
Another one of my birthday presents, from Emely. I tried it today and its actually really good.

Ralph Lauren
My new perfume I got for my birthday, Ralph Lauren, it smells delicious! It's great to have in my bag when I'm going to the gym after school because its very small. I recommend it if you are looking for a new perfume.

Birthday dinner
Today I had Ella, Hanna, Josefine and Celine over for dinner and a movie for my birthday which was super nice. We watched 'white chicks' which was a super funny movie and had pie for dinner, and for desert we had a mixture of ice-cream, meringues, banana and chocolate sauce which was yummy.

Ready for the weekend
About to go to bed, I'm sleeping in Emely's room tonight with her friend Frida because Emely's grandma is here so is sleeping in my room. Emely, Friday and I watched 'Wild Child' which is one of my favorite movies and we watched the last episode of 'Äkte människor' while eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream which was so good!
I'm having my little party/get together thing tomorrow for my birthday which should be good. Going into town with Magnus tomorrow morning to buy some yummy food for dinner. We are also going to be watching a movie (a chick flick) I have no idea which one though. Any ideas? Comment any good chick flick movies please, would be great!

Last night it had snowed like crazy so there was tons today which was pretty cool.
Celine and I decided to try something new in sport today. We thought we were pretty tough. We tried to do three people but we fell and I got squished.

Dream room
Had the day off school today because they had national tests and I didn't have to do them. So I got to sleep in which was super cosy! Emely and I watched a Swedish tv series called "Äkta människor", "Real humans" in English. It's about 'hubots', robots that look pretty much identical to humans. Quite good.
Back to school as normal again tomorrow which means setting the alarm on again.
Made a little collage of my dream room sought of. It's just so pretty!

Just to let you know this is not my picture, this is from She has a great fashion blog!
I love this cover because it reminds me a series called 'The Walking Dead' which is crazy good! Zombies have taken over the world and there's like no humans left. Anyway of you're looking for something to watch this is a great choice. The next season comes out on the 10th of February, my birthday!

Raspberry Smoothie!
Today after school for afternoon tea I decided to make myself a raspberry smoothie. It is so good! All you need is cream, vanilla yogurt, fruit sugar and whatever fruit you want. I'm my case I chose raspberries. When it was done I then put some banana in and on top so it would be a bit more filling which was really good. Next time I'm planning on mixing the banana in with the smoothie to see how it tastes. It will be a great thing to have when I come back to Australia and its hot because it is very cold.